Sunday, October 15, 2017

Okay, That's Just Messed Up! Men, Women, Sex, and Image

The news had been riddled with a lot of messed up things.  A Hollywood movie mogul has been discovered to have the morals of a tapeworm and had a, shall we say, highly questionable view towards women.  I mean, it isn't like we couldn't have picked that up from his body of work.  Off with his head! Not long before that, society acknowledged the death of man who made pornography mainstream.  Lauded by many as a trailblazer and genius, he did little more than turn women into something for pimply faced boys and sad men to ogle over as pieces of meat. Interesting, no?  Not that men are exempt from such ogling themselves anymore.  Sadly, even now, there are groups who don't want age limits placed on who we may ogle and objectify.

Be Fruitful and multipl...on second thought!

There is an underlying philosophy here.  The philosophy is that you are an animal.  Worse yet, you are an animal whose herd needs to be culled.  I am guessing if you want to cull a herd and start picking off members, then you must create confusion and panic.  I have seen enough nature shows to know that when a predator attacks, they stealthily get into position, identify the weaklings, and pounce, causing panic and confusion lest the herd unite and attack the predator.  If anything identifies this culture now, it is the message of confusion and panic that comes out in our society and its media. 

Pick up a women's magazine sometime.  Interspersed in the pages, are multiple ads featuring women who look like size 0 heroine addicts wearing strategically placed dental floss and handkerchiefs and articles telling you to empower yourself and accept yourself as you are...unless, of course, you aren't a size 0 waif.  Motherhood and marriage are seen as a detriments to a lifestyle dominated by consequence free sex,  money grubbing, power grabbing, and hedonism that would make a Bacchanalian feast look tame.  We will give you bucket-loads of contraceptions, tell you how empowering they are (even if they do long term damage), and teach you to use sex as a way of manipulation to get what you want. If you do happen to get 'in the family way', we have a nice trauma inducing  event we will euphemistically call 'choice' and let you continue on as we cull the herd of people like you.  We must cull that herd, after all.

Guys, pick up a men's magazine or sports magazine.  It's really not that different.   You better have that ripped physique.  You, too, better claw for all the money, pleasure, and power you can get.  But, there is that whole culling the herd bit.  Hence, we will get a supertanker boat load of porn, get you addicted as young as humanly possible, make it as easy to get as possible, and tell you that relationships are a drag...a crimp on your playboy lifestyle.  Invest yourself in the doesn't say no. However, if one must have physical contact and mingling with your own gender doesn't do it for you, we will also give you bucket-loads of contraceptions  and have you turn the lady in your life to a means of self-satisfaction (call it love if you must) and press you to push 'choice' as a way of getting rid of any mistakes. If either of you end up with a disease that maims or kills you, well we got to keep culling that herd!

Truth be Damned!

If that doesn't create enough pandemonium, we will simply blur the truth.  We will tell you on the one hand that homosexuality is a matter of being born that way as we tell you it is a legitimate lifestyle choice.  All the sex, none of the danger of pregnancy.   We will go one step further and tell you that even though sexual orientation is a matter of being born that way, your gender is not.  Heck no, that's fluid.  Genetics be damned. Feelings, however irrational they might be, are wonderful ways to confuse the herd.  Want to surgically alter  yourself, heck we'll press for John Q Public to pay for it.  Change, change back, change again. It is that natural next step in the blurring of anything that makes genders specific.  Good luck reproducing in that atmosphere, huh?

After all the confusion and double messaging is done, then those who disagree must be isolated and destroyed.  Nothing annoys the predator like the members of the herd that fight back and alert the herd they are under attack.  The predators will find a wall of -isms to hide behind.  They will hurl labels like well thrown javelins at those who alert the herd.  All the better if the herd will see those alerting them as the enemy.  It is easier to get picked off once the protectors are done away with.

Feel regret yet about this?  Don't worry.  We got you covered.   Don't worry about that stuffy good and bad thing.  Don't worry about life after this.  But, if you must, then ...golly...ummm...yeah...everyone goes to heaven!! That's it.  No consequences.  Just consider it artificial contraception for the soul....all of the fun with none of the consequences.  Slather a good layer of universalism on top of the feces laden sandwich and call it Beef Wellington!  All the better if clerics will imbibe in this filth and encourage others to do the same.  All the better if the wolf can wear shepherd's clothing!

The Invisible Predator in Plain Sight

Who is at the center of all this pandemonium?  An enemy more and more people don't even believe is there.  In a recent study done of Catholics, 84% do not believe in the devil as a person.  I would suppose that a major victory for the Universalist! The herd is thoroughly confused and ripe for destruction.  The devil is our adversary.  His fear and rebellion know no boundaries.  Like any motivated by fear, rational thought is thrown away and replaced by the tyranny of emotions.  He hates us because he hates God.  His hate is complete.  He prowls like a predator, looking for who to pick off next.  The  herd must be in disarray.  He can't cull off what isn't panicked or weak.

He has a problem, though.  The shepherd.  He will isolate us from the shepherd if he can. He will tell us the shepherd is the real enemy. That nasty shepherd won't let you roam free and unprotected.  He doesn't trust you after all.  If you are to be truly free, you must break away from the shepherd.  Why do you suppose the purveyors of smut and porn have such an antipathy towards the teachings of Jesus Christ?  That He came means that God loves us so much.  I can't reduce you to a piece of flesh while a God is willing to die for love of you!

The devil has managed to convince us he doesn't exist.  He can't.  Universalism doesn't work with a devil.  A devil means there just might be consequences.  If there is a devil and consequences, then maybe there is a right and wrong way to look at ourselves and our dignity.   If there is a dignity to the human person, then culling the herd is not a good thing.  You might just an animal.  If you are not just another animal, I cannot do to you what I want.

Truth is...

Truth is, a part of us knows this.  Why are we reviled by a movie mogul who gropes and sexually assaults?  We know, on some level, it's wrong.  It's wrong not just because he groped a movie star, it is an assault to the dignity of any person. We can relate to that. Now, take it one step further.  Why is bad to grope with our hands but not our eyes?  Does not groping with our eyes also assault the basic human dignity of the person?  Whether it is in the form of porn or the numerous skimpy costumes women are encouraged to wear for Halloween, when we reduce a person to a piece of flesh and call it 'empowerment' all we do is cheapen what should be truly treasured.

The Catholic Church officially teaches that each human person has a dignity that must be respected and protected.  This is why when a cleric in particular, reduces a member of his flock to prey, it gives great scandal.  It should.  Covering up the behavior should as well!   That said, it is not okay for anyone to prey on others in any circumstance. Whether that predatory action comes in the act of groping as did the mogul, or the act of porn as the magazine publisher...either teaches us that preying on the herd is fine and that the herd must be culled.

Christ came because we are worthy of love.  We are worthy of dignity.  He came because there are consequences for actions.  The teachings on human sexuality within Catholicism don't come from some puritanical 'flesh is bad' place.  They come from a place where we understand that sexuality, like any other component of the human person, made in the image and likeness of God, is due respect and dignity.  How we treat each other matters.How we protect our fellow members of the herd matters.



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